Thursday, March 19, 2009

crazy life!!!!!! why cant it be easy?????????

Well, I really like this guy. (duh I'm a girl and I like guys) And I'm not going to reveal His name on blogspot................................... I've liked him for a few months and I need advice on what to do about it. Okay, here is the stich. We both like each other, and at the talent show ( by the way Mrs. Dallas that was totally awesome) he came and sat by me and all of his guy friends were being a little WEIRD about it (well saing a little wouldn't be right at all they were being teenage boys and sitting by them hurt I actually got a bruse from one of them{and the one who gave me the bruse got onr back}) they were teasing us and well being really mean to us for sitting together. Then one of his friends who was being really cool about us sitting together asked if we were going out. Its a harmless question, I said no and all he did was srug, that got me to thinking "well we aren't but that could change" Then after the talent show we havent talked very much. I went to my best friends house and she could see that something was bothering me and so I told her hoping she could help me, and she did sorta I guess. She texted him off of my phone and asked him if he really liked me and he said yeah, i really do. Then she asked him if he would go out with me (aginst my objections) and then he said to her I really need to think about that. She was dumbstruck. She (we actually) couldn't believe he said that. After that whole conversation she told him that we'd make a cute couple and he said I know but I still need to think about it, in return to that she asked him What is there to think about????????? (yeah she used that many question marks don't ask me why). And I haven't heard from him since that night. Well, actually we talked for maybe 10 minutes on Sunday but thats it. I really need some advice. I won't be on for a couple of days so either tell me at school or text it to me. Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

}:) Shayla (:{