Saturday, February 27, 2010

My little Nephew

this is one of the very first pictures we ever got of my little nephew Holten...He was born on December 14, 2009 at 11:29 A.M. I know you can't really see what he looks like but he is the cutest baby in the whole world!!! If I could I would put another picture of him on here... It is very exciting to be an aunt and its very fun to be watching him when my sister went out for the first time since little Holten was born. he is the best baby in the world he is already able to hold his head up and roll over in the night and he is already trying to crawl... Hopefully soon he will be able to do all of thoes things and talk too :)
Okay so I haven't been on my blog spot in forever.... I've been so busy with school and choir and basically High School Drama... but the good kind of Drama like the drama department... I was in the Sound of Music, although I didn't have a very big part it was still very fun. I got to meet a lot of gifted children... but other than that it was a very exausthing process... For the first time in MY short life I failed on a report card and I cried because of it... I'm trying to think of what else has happend to me.... Oh yeah, the guy I blogged about last year he never answered me... His birthday come up soon and i have no clue what to do for his birthday, and we never have taked a lot after that awesome talent show... Hmmm anything else not really I guess..... OHHHH I forgot to tell all of yall here on blog spot I have became an aunt and its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's is the cutest little boy ever!!!!!!! more to come on the story of my nephew!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Life as a Middle Schooler

I, Shayla Rae George, am giving my testmony as a teenager who is in middle school............ It basically stinks. You are leaving middle school and going to highschool. You're again going to be the "under dogs" and thats going to suck. Boys will lie to get with you. Girls will lie because they are crule. Your going to have to stay with your closest friends, and don't let anyone come between that. People will start things, they will say things you want to hear. But don't fall into that gear with those people. I don't care if I'm popular, I dont care if I'm pretty. All I want and need are my friends!!!! They will be there through the tough times, the fun times, and all the times in between. They will be the peanutbutter and the jelly, and you will be the bread. They will stick close and never go away. But in highschool, you might lose them because of what you say or what you do. Never let that come between you. There will be partys that you want to go to, you need to stay at home and study for tests and study for college. Study with friends and stay home and be cool in your siblings eyes. You shouldn't screw up because you'll become "cool"!!!!! What is cool????? Nobody knows. You should be cool in your own eyes and you shouldn't have to do something thats harmful to yourself or your friends or family. It can be fun and it can be hard but.......... I, Shayla Rae George, just gave my testmony about being a middle schooler.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

crazy life!!!!!! why cant it be easy?????????

Well, I really like this guy. (duh I'm a girl and I like guys) And I'm not going to reveal His name on blogspot................................... I've liked him for a few months and I need advice on what to do about it. Okay, here is the stich. We both like each other, and at the talent show ( by the way Mrs. Dallas that was totally awesome) he came and sat by me and all of his guy friends were being a little WEIRD about it (well saing a little wouldn't be right at all they were being teenage boys and sitting by them hurt I actually got a bruse from one of them{and the one who gave me the bruse got onr back}) they were teasing us and well being really mean to us for sitting together. Then one of his friends who was being really cool about us sitting together asked if we were going out. Its a harmless question, I said no and all he did was srug, that got me to thinking "well we aren't but that could change" Then after the talent show we havent talked very much. I went to my best friends house and she could see that something was bothering me and so I told her hoping she could help me, and she did sorta I guess. She texted him off of my phone and asked him if he really liked me and he said yeah, i really do. Then she asked him if he would go out with me (aginst my objections) and then he said to her I really need to think about that. She was dumbstruck. She (we actually) couldn't believe he said that. After that whole conversation she told him that we'd make a cute couple and he said I know but I still need to think about it, in return to that she asked him What is there to think about????????? (yeah she used that many question marks don't ask me why). And I haven't heard from him since that night. Well, actually we talked for maybe 10 minutes on Sunday but thats it. I really need some advice. I won't be on for a couple of days so either tell me at school or text it to me. Thanks guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

}:) Shayla (:{

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life as Women/Girls

Being a girl isn't easy! It's hard because we have to deal with DRAMA (which by the way is hard to deal with UNLIKE guys that can slug it out and be BFFS in the morning!!!!!!) We have our hair (which mine is always in a ponytail) we worry about make-up (I only wear on special occasions) DRAMA is worse than all of the above because it's HORRIBLE to talk about people the way girls do!!!!!!!!!!! I personally see it everyday at my school in my little bitty town!!!! We should be bigger than 2nd grades and spreading romors aroud like "OMG!!!!! Its like Lindsey doesnt ever take a shower." Lindsey this is not I repeat is not a true rumor I just needed a name and yours came to mind and PLEASE sont be mad at me for this!!!!!! IN other words BE the BIGGER person and tell other eople to stop talking about other people!!!!!!! JUST STOP TALKING about people!!!!!

Love you guys
-Crazy Shayla-

Mrs. Dallas

I found the song by Nickelback and Santan its called INTO THE NIGHT.