Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life as Women/Girls

Being a girl isn't easy! It's hard because we have to deal with DRAMA (which by the way is hard to deal with UNLIKE guys that can slug it out and be BFFS in the morning!!!!!!) We have our hair (which mine is always in a ponytail) we worry about make-up (I only wear on special occasions) DRAMA is worse than all of the above because it's HORRIBLE to talk about people the way girls do!!!!!!!!!!! I personally see it everyday at my school in my little bitty town!!!! We should be bigger than 2nd grades and spreading romors aroud like "OMG!!!!! Its like Lindsey doesnt ever take a shower." Lindsey this is not I repeat is not a true rumor I just needed a name and yours came to mind and PLEASE sont be mad at me for this!!!!!! IN other words BE the BIGGER person and tell other eople to stop talking about other people!!!!!!! JUST STOP TALKING about people!!!!!

Love you guys
-Crazy Shayla-


  1. Omg, Lindsey doesn't take a shower?! I always wondered ... thanks for confirming.


  2. Mrs. Dallas how could you say that????
