Saturday, February 27, 2010

Okay so I haven't been on my blog spot in forever.... I've been so busy with school and choir and basically High School Drama... but the good kind of Drama like the drama department... I was in the Sound of Music, although I didn't have a very big part it was still very fun. I got to meet a lot of gifted children... but other than that it was a very exausthing process... For the first time in MY short life I failed on a report card and I cried because of it... I'm trying to think of what else has happend to me.... Oh yeah, the guy I blogged about last year he never answered me... His birthday come up soon and i have no clue what to do for his birthday, and we never have taked a lot after that awesome talent show... Hmmm anything else not really I guess..... OHHHH I forgot to tell all of yall here on blog spot I have became an aunt and its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's is the cutest little boy ever!!!!!!! more to come on the story of my nephew!!!!

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